Transition Council Meeting Dates
Interagency Subcommittee - 8:30 - 11am
Secondary Teacher 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
October 2, 2019
November 13, 2019
January 29, 2020
March 18, 2018 - cancelled
ATS/CI Classroom Workgroup
October 9, 2019
November 20, 2019
February 5, 2020
March 25, 2020 - cancelled
Transition Times
Notes from Transition Council meetings are published and distributed to members, and can be accessed through links on this page as well
Copies of presentations made to the Transition Council may also be published on this site when made available.
Presentation Links
Transition Council Meeting
Structure and Location
Interagency Subcommittee meets from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
​This group of school and agency representatives, as well as parents, promotes collaboration for employment, education and life skills activities for young adults with disabilities. Meetings rotate amongst agencies.
Secondary Teachers meet from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
​Representatives from each middle and high school, both public and charter schools attend this portion of the day to obtain updates, materials and training to support transition activities within their special education departments. Meetings occur at LESA.
CI Classroom Teachers meet from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Representatives from Adult Transition/LESA, as well as middle and high school teachers who instruct within CI programs meet to obtain materials and updates, network and learn about the continuum of services available for students with Intellectual Disabilities. ​
2019-20 Transition Meeting Notes
October 2, 2019
October 9, 2019
November 13, 2019
November 20, 2019
January 29, 2020
Interagency Group
February 5 ,2020
March 18, 2020 - cancelled
Interagency Group
Secondary Teachers Group
March 25, 2020 - cancelled
CI Classroom Teachers
Livingston County Transition Council
Interagency Subcommitte and Secondary Teachers Meetings
Transition Council
The Livingston County Transition Council is comprised of the county transition coordinator, transition and work-study staff, community agency representatives, parents, and secondary school staff representing each of the local school districts. The group also includes middle school and charter school representation, as well as Michigan Rehabilitation Services counselors. The mission of the council is to:
Promote the delivery of transition service in Livingston County.
Support transition compliance.
Provide a forum for sharing, networking, and professional development.
Promote partnership with the community agencies and organizations.
Provide transition information and support in their district.
Link students and families with transition resources.